Mothers Day Giveaway!!!

 We are giving away a $100 Ally B Gift Card in celebration of Mothers Day! Please comment below why you or your mom should be the winner!! While your here, take a look at our Mother Daughter Look Book of family, customers and employees of Ally B :)


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My mom should win because she is the best mother ever. I was diagnosed with cancer 4 years ago and she took me back and forth to Jacksonville to chemo for almost 2 years. Then 2 years ago she was my caregiver while I had a bone marrow transplant. She was my 24/7 caregiver for 3 months and had to live with me in Tampa during that time. She has always been there for me and I love her very much for all she has done for me. She says she never wins anything and she would be so happy to win this. I hope she wins!

Kristi Childress

Going to Europe this summer and would love to wear these cute little dresses to show Paris that we in Georgia now how to dress!!

Ellen Cox

I have a stepson, Jase, age 6. He is the greatest joy I have known in my 34 years. I tell everyone , He’s perfect and I didn’t have to birth him! But the lady who did do all the hard work bringing this little love of my life into the world has also, over the past 41/2 years , become one of my dearest friends. We have never had ex/new wife drama. We share parenting advice and we share recipes, sob stories and hissyfits. I am so fortunate and thankful that she chose to share her son with me. So….with that being said, I would be humbled to share this with jase’s mom LeAnne. We never forget to remind Jase how EXTREMELY LUCKY he is (and his dad and stepfather, too ;)

Dana Pollock

I am a mothescouts; I have a 9 yr old daughter involved in little dribbler basketball and girl scouts, I have a 6 yr old son that is in little league baseball and cub scouts, and I have a soon to be 3 yr old daughter that is in ballet lessons. I have a husband that team ropes and works a crazy on call schedule and I am starting RN classes to get my nursing degree! After all of this I never have time to go shopping for myself! Every spare second I have is used for the kids!! I need a Makeover badly!! So please pick me!


I am a mothescouts; I have a 9 yr old daughter involved in little dribbler basketball and girl scouts, I have a 6 yr old son that is in little league baseball and cub scouts, and I have a soon to be 3 yr old daughter that is in ballet lessons. I have a husband that team ropes and works a crazy on call schedule and I am starting RN classes to get my nursing degree! After all of this I never have time to go shopping for myself! Every spare second I have is used for the kids!! I need a Makeover badly!! So please pick me!


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